Sunday, November 28, 2010

Joey Odom, Matt Jones and Chris Johnson got some runs at Sierra at Tahoe this opening week.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Interveiw with Angry

Andrew G. just logged an interview with Angry snowboarder.
go check it out.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Joey lives.

Some of you may already know, but Joey Odom landed him self in the hospital This last sunday. He took a pretty gnarly fall on a D/F/D rail and injured his hip pretty bad. Got a cat scan and it looks like he'll be alright. hopefully he'll be out of the wheelchair soon and back on a snowboard.

keep your fingers crossed. we hope to see you soon Joey!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Looks like our boy Niko Nakamura has been having some fun skating it up in Portland. Check it out.


And here

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting back in touch.

Every year I grow up a little more. I feel just that much more dead. Like I'm loosing just a little bit of my passion and idealism every day. I'm starting to realize that the people who are the most passionate and the most convicted are the kids. Us older guys ain't got shit on the kids. I mean, sure we have a lot of sway in the industry, but the Kids are the ultimate factor that keep us in line.

Its the Kids that nag the hell out of their parents to get up to the mountain , Its the kids that don't go to sleep the night before riding, cause their so damn excited, Its the kids that get all angsty waiting for winter, Its the kids that freak out when they get stickers in the mail, Its the kids that truly understand the meaning of getting “Stoked”.

I remember when I was 14 riding open to close at kirkwood, no breaks. It was never enough time. Now I'm not even out of bed till 10:00 so I can be on the mountain by noon. I think in my heart that kid still lives there. And that kid pushes me to do all the greater things in life. He's like my inspiration. And I think my 14 y/o self would beat my ass sometimes seeing the way I act.

So heres to being forever young. I'll be car camping opening weekend at boreal getting back in touch with my inner kid. If you see me up there be sure to say hi. I guarantee that i'll be in a damn good mood. Doing what I love most, snowboarding.

Stay stoked,

Andrew Guddat

Rider Communications + Art Director



Monday, August 2, 2010

Website is all done!

check it out and let us know what you think!
(reporting any glitches is appreciated)

Friday, July 23, 2010


Things are looking good! Website is almost done and will probably be up in a week or two. Board specs and manufacturing should be done in about a month. expect to see stickers and shirts everywhere soon! expect to see us around soon!